Member-only story
Birthday notes
Just to finish all the tasks for this week, and the workload will get lighter.
Just to lose five more kilos, and I‘ll feel comfortable in that swimming suit.
Just to finish my PhD, and I‘ll have more time to dance.
Just to meet the right guy, and I‘ll finally be happy.
And guess what? I‘ve done all of that, and more. But there was always a next step between me and the magical future – more tasks to finish, more kilos to lose, more research to do, more conditions for happiness.
If I learned one thing in the last couple of years, it‘s that waiting for perfect future doesn‘t work. Enjoying the moment is all we have, however cheesy it sounds. Worrying about tomorrow brings anxiety, and contemplating yesterday – depression.
As my 95-year-old friend Duncan told me in one of our last conversations before he died – we are all here only temporary. Make good memories with the people you love.
So, smile for no reason. Enjoy sunrise and sunset if you‘re lucky enough to catch them. Wonder how GPS works (another conversation with Duncan that deserves a separate story). Learn something new every day. Dance. Listen to good music. Drink the best coffee you can afford. Talk to your neighbours. Pet all the cats and dogs (if allergies allow). Smell all the flowers you can. Watch all the films you want to see. Read all the books you want to read. Love. Kiss as often as you can. Hug even more than that. Allow yourself to be happy now, here. Start with what you have.
Monte Verita, Ascona. Photo by author.